Landscape (series)
Fueled by an obsession with nature documentaries and the diversity of biomes on Earth, this series treats woven cloth as landscape in microcosm, examining parallels between fabric and landscapes in aerial view. Experimental weave structures in 12 shafts.
Black Forest, Detail. 2014 Cotton, Rayon, Linen.
Black Forest, Detail. 2014 Cotton, Rayon, Linen.
Black Forest, Detail. 2014 Cotton, Rayon, Linen.
Black Forest, Detail. 2014 Cotton, Rayon, Linen.
Black Forest, Detail. 2014 Cotton, Rayon, Linen.
Black Forest. 2014. Cotton, Rayon, Linen. 9’ x 20”. Photos: Samantha Otto.
Meditations on forest and field at night.
Nocturnal, Detail. 2014. Cotton, dye. 36” x 20”. photo: Samantha Otto.
Diurnal, Detail. 2014 Cotton, dye. 24” x 20”. photo: Samantha Otto.
Nocturnal and Diurnal
Meditations on the drastic changes in life between the day and night, especially in rainforest and desert biomes.
When the Forest Sheds its Skin. 2014. Cotton, dye. 16” x 20”.
When the Forest Sheds its Skin, Detail. 2014. Cotton, dye. 16” x 20”.
When the Forest Sheds its Skin. Detail. 2014. Cotton, dye. 16” x 20”. photos: Samantha Otto.
Places are more than points in space and time, more than containers for events--they are emergent entities engaged in constant becoming. With this in mind, what do the memories of place look like and where do they reside? What becomes of that memory once outgrown?
More specifically, what memories does the forest hold? Does it ever shed memory? If so, where do they go?
A Year on the Tibetan Plateau, Detail. 2014. Cotton, linen, rayon, wool, dye. 8’ x 24”.
A Year on the Tibetan Plateau, Detail. 2014. Cotton, linen, rayon, wool, dye. 8’ x 24”.
Meditation on the cycle of the seasons in Tibet.