Dragon Wellspring (floorcloth detail). 2015. Handwoven Linen, Dye. 8’6” x 27”. Photo courtesy of the artist.

Chinese tea drinking functions as an informal daily ritual, with emphasis on slowing down to appreciate one's company, one's natural surroundings and the essence of the leaf.

Dragon Wellspring tea, 龙井茶, is grown in the valleys near Hangzhou in the Zhejiang province of China. The following tea service was the result of a 2 week exchange visit exploring craft, culture and tea in the city of Hangzhou.

Spirit of Spring (detail). 2015. Handwoven Linen, Rayon, Dye.

Spirit of Spring. 2015. Handwoven Linen, Rayon, Dye.

Through the ceremonial sharing of tea, guests were invited to engage in conversation on the spirit of the spring season, a time for moderation, stability and re-acquaintance with the verdant earth.

Two teapots were produced for the performance to reflect the Western and Chinese concepts of tea drinking and their related ceramic traditions.


Daraz: Amar


Spirit of Winter